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dc.contributor.authorHumeniuk, Halyna-
dc.contributor.authorVoloshyn, Olena-
dc.contributor.authorKhomenchuk, Vоlodymyr-
dc.identifier.citationHumenyuk H., Voloshyn O., Khomenchuk V. Complex assessment of chemical pollution of small rivers on the example of the river Seret // Monitoring of Mediterranean coastal areas: problems and measurement techniques : Seventh International Symposium (19-21 June 2018). Livorno : Firenze university press, 2018. Р. 287-297uk_UA
dc.description.abstractContamination of the aquatic environment at the present stage is one of the main factors of the pathology of hydrobionts. Especially this influence is noticeable on small rivers of Ukraine, very closely connected with the surrounding landscape. On small rivers located in the same landscape and having small water outlays, the productive effect of natural and anthropogenic factors manifests itself more quickly and distinctly. Small rivers are particularly sensitive to pollution by sewage from industrial enterprises, agricultural and communal industries. Therefore, each type of impact on the catchment landscapes leads to a change in the ecological state of the rivers.uk_UA
dc.publisherFirenze university pressuk_UA
dc.titleComplex assessment of chemical pollution of small rivers on the example of the river Seretuk_UA
dc.typeConference Abstractuk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Тези конференцій

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