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dc.contributor.authorFalfushynska, H. I.-
dc.contributor.authorGnatyshyna, L. L.-
dc.contributor.authorIvanina, A. V.-
dc.contributor.authorKhoma, V. V.-
dc.contributor.authorStoliar, O. B.-
dc.contributor.authorSokolova, I. M.-
dc.identifier.citationBioenergetic responses of freshwater mussels Unio tumidus to the combined effects of nano-ZnO and temperature regime / H. I. Falfushynska et al. // Science of The Total Environment. 2019. Vol. 650 (1). P. 1440-1450.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractBivalves from the cooling reservoirs of electrical power plants (PP) are exposed to the chronic heating and chemical pollution making them a suitable model to study the combined effects of these stressors. We investigated the effect of in situ exposures to chemical and thermal pollution in the PP cooling ponds on the metabolic responses of unionid bivalves (Unio tumidus) to a novel widespread pollutant, ZnO nanoparticles (nZnO). Male U. tumidus from the reservoirs of Dobrotvir and Burshtyn PPs (DPP and BPP) were maintained in clean water at 18 °C, or exposed for 14 days to one of the following conditions: nZnO (3.1 μM) or Zn2+ (3.1 μM, a positive control for Zn impacts) at 18 °C, elevated temperature (T, 25 °C), or nZnO at 25 °C (nZnO + T). Baseline levels of glycogen, lipids and ATP were similar in the two studied populations, whereas the levels of proteins, lactate/pyruvate ratio (L/P) and extralysosomal cathepsin D level were higher in the tissues of BPP mussels. The levels of glycogen and glucose declined in most experimental exposures indicating elevated energy demand except for a slight increase in the digestive gland of warming-exposed BPP mussels and in the gills of the nZnO + T-exposed DPP-mussels. Experimental exposures stimulated cathepsin D activity likely reflecting onset of autophagic processes to compensate for stress-induced energy demand. No depletion of ATP in Zn-containing exposures was observed indicating that the cellular metabolic adjustments were sufficient for such compensation. Unexpectedly, experimental warming mitigated most metabolic responses to nZnO in co-exposures. Our data thus indicate that metabolic effects of nZnO strongly depend on the environmental context of the mussels (such as temperature and acclimation history) which must be taken into account for the molecular and cellular biomarker-based assessment of the nanoparticle effects in the field.uk_UA
dc.subjectEnergetic reservesuk_UA
dc.subjectBivalve molluskuk_UA
dc.titleBioenergetic responses of freshwater mussels Unio tumidus to the combined effects of nano-ZnO and temperature regimeuk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті (міжфакультетні)

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