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dc.contributor.authorYevgenieva, Mariia-
dc.identifier.citationYevgenieva M. Charakteristics of Zinoviy Shtokalko’s musical style (on the example of epic genre compositions) // Spheres of Culture. Lublin, 2012. Vol. III. C. 392-401uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article deals with the analysis of Zinoviy Shtokalko`s musicalstyle in terms of epic genre compositions, as well as consideration of the artist`s original dramaturgy features and texture-harmonic means that are closely related to vocal pictorialism. In epics of Zinoviy Shtokalko`s, based on centuries-old traditions of Ukrainian kobza, creates his own musical style primarily developing the highest level of performance skills playing the dandura. Also an innovative composition is dramatic interpretation of dandura-player tpic genres. Using melodic traditions and folkloral verdal texts in the performance of outstanding harpers, he creates original worcs that tend to have thematic, harmonic and impressive integrity. Shtokalko was also a pioneer in the genre of epic interpretation of kodzar.uk_UA
dc.subjectmusical textureuk_UA
dc.subjecttexture-harmonic meansuk_UA
dc.subjectintonation technigueuk_UA
dc.subjectvocal and pictorial eguipmentuk_UA
dc.titleCharakteristics of Zinoviy Shtokalko’s musical style (on the example of epic genre compositions)uk_UA
dc.title.alternativeХарактеристика музичного стилю Зіновія Штокалка (на прикладі творів епічного жанру)uk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті

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