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dc.contributor.authorМиколенко, Тетяна Михайлівна-
dc.contributor.authorГоловата, Лариса Михайлівна-
dc.identifier.citationМиколенко Т., Головата Л. Кольорема як транслятор авторських смислів // Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки / Центральноукраїнський державний педагогічний університет ім. В. Винниченка. Кропивницький, 2020. Вип. 187. С. 327–332uk_UA
dc.description.abstractУ статті доведено здатність слова реалізувати семантику, позірно не зв’язану із системними значеннями. Визначено смислову сітку лексеми «зелений» у ментальному лексиконі Т. Шевченка. На прикладі розвитку кордоетнічних смислів та смислів абсолютної гармонії лексеми «зелений» поетичної мови Т. Шевченка продемонстровано тенденції розвитку семантики кольореми.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe anthropological approach, which united all humanities, formed a new linguistic paradigm in which language acts not as a separate system, but as a factor of existence and activity of a particular person in a particular situation, as a phenomenon of being in the coordinates «here and now». In the realm of semantics, this approach has led to an active study of individual aspects of the word. In the midst of a series of terms, the term «meanings» in the author’s interpretation has been chosen to refer to the specificity of the word of an individual. The traditional understanding of the term is that meanings are semantic aspects, not fixed at the systemic level (contextual, situational, individual, etc.). There are specified main characteristics of meaning in comparison with its description: individuality, subjectivity, dynamism, dependence on the situation. As a result of practical analysis, it is revealed that such individual meanings are often directed to specific thematic planes, so it is possible to speak of semantic bundles, semantic vectors of a certain author’s word. Thus, we understand meanings as the main vectors for the development of semantics of the author’s word. The article is a part of broader study of T. Shevchenko’s poetic language. The object of study is the coloureme «green». As a result of the work, such semantic vectors of poetic author’s coloureme «green» as philosophical, greeting, meanings of the myth of absolute harmony, cordo-ethnic, chronotopic, emotional-sensual, transcendental- karmic, axiological, social have been revealed. The development of meanings of individual colors is shown by the example of the development of cordo-ethnic meanings and meanings of absolute harmony by the lexeme «green» of T. Shevchenko’s poetic language. The lexeme «green» in the aspect of cordo-ethnic realization becomes a marker of situations: poeticized landscape of Ukraine as a form of mythic world of absolute harmony; poeticized landscape of Ukraine as a form of realization of the God’s design; representations of «native» as a form of mythic world of absolute harmony in the opposition of «own – alien». The lexeme «green» in the aspect of harmonious realization is a marker of situations: harmony of macrocosm as a form of absolute harmony; harmony of macrocosm as a form of realization of the God’s design; family locus as a center of mythic world of absolute harmony; hope as a form of absolute harmony.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractВ статье доказана способность слова реализовать семантику, непосредственно не связанную с системными значениями. Определена смысловая сетка лексемы «зеленый» в ментальном лексиконе Т. Шевченко. На примере развития кордоэтнических смыслов и смыслов абсолютной гармонии лексемы «зеленый» в поэзии Т. Шевченко продемонстрирована тенденция развития семантики цветообозначения.uk_UA
dc.subjectкордоетнічні смислиuk_UA
dc.subjectсмисли міфосвіту абсолютної гармоніїuk_UA
dc.subjectпоетична моваuk_UA
dc.subjectТ. Шевченкоuk_UA
dc.subjectcordo-ethnic meaningsuk_UA
dc.subjectmeanings of the mythology of absolute harmonyuk_UA
dc.subjectpoetic languageuk_UA
dc.subjectT. Shevchenkouk_UA
dc.subjectкордоэтнические смыслыuk_UA
dc.subjectсмыслы мира абсолютной гармонииuk_UA
dc.subjectпоэтическая речьuk_UA
dc.subjectТ. Шевченкоuk_UA
dc.titleКольорема як транслятор авторських смислівuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeColoureme as translator of author’s meaningsuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeЦветообозначение как транслятор авторских смысловuk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті

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