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dc.contributor.authorHorbatiuk, Roman-
dc.contributor.authorKabak, Vitalii-
dc.identifier.citationHorbatiuk R., Kabak V. Monitoring the Quality of the Initial Performance of the Potential Engineer-Pedagogues as a Pedagogical Problem // Professional Education: Methodology, Theory and Technologies. 2020. Vol. 12. P. 45–65.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article reveals the concept of the monitoring the quality of future engineer-pedagogues’ educational activities and outlines the approaches to its determination in the current studies on the basis of psychological and pedagogical literature analysis. The purpose of the article is to determine the essential characteristics of the concept of monitoring the quality of future engineer-pedagogues educational activities, its capabilities and areas of implementation in the process of their professional training. The research methods are analysis of psychological and pedagogical sources and results of scientific research, questionnaire, testing of academic success, observation, analysis of reporting documentation and statistical data of educational institutions. The results. The benefit of the study is that the notion of monitoring within the system of training the experts of engineering and pedagogical specialities has been defined as the process of continuous, scientifically justified, diagnostic and prognostic, targeted and activity-based supervision over the state and didactic process development of students in order to select optimal professionally-oriented tasks, means, and methods how the assignments are carried out. The authors analyze the principal stages of monitoring the quality of future engineer-pedagogues’ educational activities within the system of higher education by means of formation of students’ general and special (professional) competencies during acquiring a number of educational components oriented towards their further professional activities. The authors describe the key role of monitoring the quality of future engineer-pedagogues’ educational activities as an instrument used to obtain integral vision about the quality of training of students of engineering and pedagogical specialities and the necessity to perform such procedure systematically. The article presents the results of survey questionnaire designed for teachers and students about the types of control (input (preliminary), current, progress, and final) while monitoring the quality of future engineer-pedagogues’ educational activities. Conclusions. The main attention should be given to the necessity to provide flexible and variable forms, methods, and means of control while monitoring the quality of future engineer pedagogues’ educational activities; to the role of teaching staff in this process, including stimulation, control and encouragement of students’ cognitive activities, contributing the individualization of educational process.uk_UA
dc.subjecteducational activitiesuk_UA
dc.subjectfuture engineer-pedagogues traininguk_UA
dc.subjectknowledge controluk_UA
dc.titleMonitoring the Quality of the Initial Performance of the Potential Engineer-Pedagogues as a Pedagogical Problemuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeМоніторинг якості навчальної діяльності майбутніх інженерів-педагогів як педагогічна проблемаuk_UA
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