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dc.contributor.authorSyvyj, M.-
dc.contributor.authorHavryshok, B.-
dc.contributor.authorDemjanchuk, P.-
dc.contributor.authorLisova, N.-
dc.identifier.citationSyvyj M., Havryshok B., Demjanchuk P., Lisova N. Resource Potential of Сonstruction Sands of Podillya (Ukraine) // Current Advances in Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences. 2022 Vol. 2. P. 22-34uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article analyzes the potential of the sand resource base for the construction of the Podillya region (Ukraine). The stratigraphic confinement of raw materials is determined. General regularities of distribution of productive horizons over the territory are characterized. The interdependence of Neogene sands on their size modulus was established. Four groups of deposits of different ages have been identified and their qualitative characteristics have been analyzed. The degree of provision with explored (balance) reserves and resources of individual administrative units of the three Podillya regions was calculated. The available raw material base of sandy raw materials for various purposes was objectively assessed. Conclusions are made about the prospects for increasing the production of sandy raw materials in the region through the study of promising areas and exploration of already known deposits.uk_UA
dc.subjectSands for construction needsuk_UA
dc.subjectexplored reservesuk_UA
dc.subjectpromising areasuk_UA
dc.subjectadditional explorationuk_UA
dc.subjectraw material baseuk_UA
dc.titleResource Potential of Сonstruction Sands of Podillya (Ukraine)uk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті

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