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dc.contributor.authorKikinezhdi, O. M.-
dc.contributor.authorShulha, I. M.-
dc.identifier.citationKikinezhdi O. M., Shulha I. M. Impact of educational content on the gender socialization of preschoolers and junior children // Emergence of public development: financial and legal aspects : collective monograph. United Kingdom : Agenda Publishing House, 2019. P. 659–668.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article deals with an actuality of the problem of implementation of on-discriminatory approach to the educational institutions (in particular, kindergarten and primary school). The normative documents, which regulate this issue is analysed. The results of the conducted gender expertize of the normative base of primary school (the State Standard of Primary Education and a curriculum on the subject “Basic of Health” for 1–4 grades), textbooks “Basic of Health” for 1–4 grades, and magazines for preschoolers are given.uk_UA
dc.publisherAgenda Publishing Houseuk_UA
dc.titleImpact of Educational Content on the Gender Socialization of Preschoolers and Junior Childrenuk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Монографії, розділи з монографій

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