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Title: The resilience or hormesis-like responses of metallothioneins in the bivalve mollusks depending on the tense of environmental pollution or exposures to copper
Authors: Stoliar, Oksana
Mischuk, Оlena
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Stoliar O., Mischuk О. The resilience or hormesis-like responses of metallothioneins in the bivalve mollusks depending on the tense of environmental pollution or exposures to copper // The role of trace elements in health: from healthy environments to heaithy living organisms : Italian Association for the Study of Trace Elements in Living Organisms - Aisetov. Ozzano Emilia, Bologna - October 12, 2018 : ABSTRACT BOOK. 2018. P. 10
Issue Date: 12-Oct-2018
Appears in Collections:Тези конференцій

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