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Title: Громадсько-політична і культурно-просвітницька діяльність Арсена Річинського (1892–1956)
Other Titles: Общественно-политическая и культурно-просветительская деятельность Арсена Ричинского (1892–1956)
Civil and political, cultural and educational activities of Arsen Richynsky (1892–1956)
Authors: Кравчук, Олена Ростиславівна
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Кравчук О. Р. Громадсько-політична і культурно-просвітницька діяльність Арсена Річинського (1892–1956) : автореф. дис. на здоб. наук. ступ. канд. іст. наук : 07.00.01 : 3 / Тернопільський нац. пед. ун-т ім. В. Гнатюка. Тернопіль, 2021. 22 с.
Issue Date: 27-Mar-2021
Publisher: Вектор
Keywords: Арсен Річинський
громадсько-політична робота
культурно- просвітницька діяльність
Західна Волинь
міжвоєнний період
Друга Річ Посполита
Друга світова війна
радянська влада
Арсен Ричинский
общественно-политическая работа
культурно-просветительская деятельность
Западная Волынь
межвоенный период
Вторая Речь Посполитая
Вторая мировая война
советская власть
Arsen Richynsky
public and political activity
cultural and educational activity
Western Volhynia
Russian Empire
interwar period
Second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
World War II
Soviet power
Abstract: У дисертації комплексно й всебічно досліджено громадсько-політичну і культурно-просвітницьку діяльність Арсена Річинського (1892–1956). Проаналізовано стан наукової розробки теми в історіографії, джерельну базу, методологічні засади. Висвітлено родинне і навчально-виховне середовище, початковий період громадсько-політичної, культурно-просвітницької і фахової праці. Визначено внесок в українізацію церковного життя. Розкрито роль в організації діяльності «Пласту» на Волині. Досліджено членство у підпільних організаціях, причини арештів, переслідувань і заслання. Показано участь у функціонуванні «Просвіти». Проаналізовано публіцистичну і видавничу діяльність. Висвітлено внесок у загальноукраїнський громадсько-політичний та культурно-просвітницький рух.
В диссертации комплексно и всесторонне исследована общественно-политическая и культурно-просветительская деятельность Арсена Ричинского (1892–1956). Проанализировано состояние научной разработки темы в историографии, источники, методологические основы. Освещена семейная и учебно-воспитательная среда, начальный период общественно-политической, культурно-просветительской и профессиональной работы. Определен вклад в украинизацию церковной жизни. Раскрыта роль в организации деятельности «Пласта» на Волыни. Исследовано членство в подпольных организациях, причины арестов, преследований и ссылку. Показано участие в функционировании «Просвиты». Проанализирована публицистическая и издательская деятельность. Освещен вклад в общеукраинское общественно-политическое и культурно-просветительское движение.
The thesis research highlights the results of a holistic analysis of civil and political, cultural and educational activities of Arsen Richynsky during the study period. The historiography has been analyzed and the references of the research have been characterized, the methodological principles and the corresponding scientific tools of the work have been determined. The family environment and learning and their influence on the formation of his worldview have been traced. The upbringing of his parents contributed to the growth of А. Richynsky as a conscious Ukrainian patriot. The beginnings of civil and political, cultural and educational and professional work have been shown, the role of the educational environment of Kremenets, Zhytomyr, Warsaw and Kyiv has been revealed. In the early twentieth century A. Richynsky became a civil and political and cultural and educational figure in the conditions of the people's democratic revolution of 1905–1907. Its influence on Ukrainization processes in church life has been determined. The reasons for imposing the church anathema on А. Richynsky have been clarified. А. Richynsky was anathemaed by the Synod of the PAOC not for violating church canons, but for activities related to the Ukrainization of the Church, opposition to the influence of the pro-Moscow episcopate on the religious life of Orthodox Ukrainians. The active position of the Ukrainian intelligentsia on the illegality of his excommunication from the Church led to its abolition. The role of A. Richynsky in the organization of «Plast» in Volhynia has been revealed. He made significant efforts to promote it in Western Volhynia. The Polish authorities tried to limit the formation of the Plast movement in these areas, so Plast was officially registered as a sports club at «Prosvita». Participation in the work of underground organizations is investigated. In the late 1920’s, A. Richynsky joined the UVO, and later the OUN. He actively built an underground organizational network. Arsen Vasyliovych was the organizer and leader of actions against the liquidation of «Prosvita» and the activities of the pro-Polish Ukrainian society «Ridna Khata». A. Richynsky’s activity was under the close supervision of the Polish police and he was monitored. The causes of arrests, harassment and exile were traced. A. Richynsky was persecuted and four times arrested by the Polish authorities for his active social and political activities aimed at promoting the idea of an independent Ukrainian statehood. Twice, in 1935 and 1939, he was sent to the Bereza Kartuzka concentration camp. On October 20, 1939, A. Richynsky was detained by NKVD officers on charges of counterrevolutionary activity and sentenced to ten years in prison. In 1949, A. Richynsky was released, but was not allowed to return home to Volhynia. From the prison he was sent to the city of Kazalinsk, Kzyl-Orda region of the USSR, for indefinite exile under police supervision with mandatory registration every ten days. A. Richynsky died on April 13, 1956 in the regional hospital of Kzyl-Orda. He was notified two days after his death that he had been rehabilitated and allowed to return to Ukraine. Researched cultural and educational activity. His participation in the functioning of «Prosvita» has been shown. In the interwar period, a fairly common form of Ukrainian cultural and educational movement was «Prosvita», the main task of which was to spread education among Ukrainians, acquaint them with the heritage of native culture. Journalistic activity has been evaluated, according to which A. Richynsky successfully combined active part in cultural and educational societies and organizations with journalistic work. He published articles in a number of popular and well-known journals, namely: «Life and Knowledge», «Literary and Scientific Bulletin», «Chronicle of the Red Viburnum», «Bulletin. Monthly of Literature, Art, Science and Public Life», «Dilo» and others. His articles helped raise the national consciousness of Ukrainians. An important place in the cultural and educational activities of A. Richynsky was occupied by the publishing business. Together with like-minded people, in 1925 he began publishing an independent monthly of the Ukrainian church revival in Volodymyr Volynskyi, «Na Varti», whose publications covered the issues of the Ukrainian national church movement. With his publications of musical works he promoted the Ukrainization of the PAOC, gave it a clear national character. His musical compositions were popular and were included in the repertoires of spiritual concerts not only in Western Volhynia, but also in other cities. The conducted scientific research allows to assert that A. Richynsky occupied a special place in the all-Ukrainian social-political and cultural-educational process, understanding its cognitive and practical significance for modern development. He, being an intelligent and energetic person, carried out active activities aimed at the national cultural and ecclesiastical revival.
Description: Захист відбувся «28» квітня 2021 року о 10.00 год. на засіданні спеціалізованої вченої ради Д 58.053.04 у Тернопільському національному педагогічному університеті імені Володимира Гнатюка (46027, м. Тернопіль, вул. Максима Кривоноса, 2, ауд. 31). З дисертацією можна ознайомитися на офіційному сайті та у бібліотеці Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Гнатюка (46027, м. Тернопіль, вул. Максима Кривоноса, 2).
Appears in Collections:07.00.01 - Історія України

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