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dc.contributor.authorСмоляк, Павло Олегович-
dc.identifier.citationСмоляк П. О. Театральна діяльність осередку товариства «Просвіта» села Біла Тернопільського повіту у першій третині ХХ століття // Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Гнатюка. Сер. Мистецтвознавство Тернопіль : ТНПУ ім. В. Гнатюка, 2014. № 2. C. 170–178.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractУ статті розглянуто діяльність аматорського театрального гуртка осередку товариства «Просвіта» села Біла Тернопільського повіту у першій третині ХХ ст. Звернено увагу на роль керівників місцевої філії «Просвіти» та їхній внесок у розвиток культурномистецького життя села. Показано репертуар колективу на різних етапах розвитку, охарактеризовано роботу режисерів гуртка та ставлення сільської громади до театральних постановок аматорів.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractВ статье рассмотрена деятельность любительского театрального кружка ячейки общества «Просвита» села Била Тернопольского уезда в первой трети ХХ в. Обращено внимание на роль руководителей местного филиала «Просвиты» и их вклад в развитие культурной жизни села. Показано репертуар коллектива на разных этапах развития, охарактеризовано работу режиссеров кружка и отношение сельской общины к театральным постановкам любителей.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractAt the end of XIX – the first third of the twentieth century in Eastern Galicia in almost all villages and towns has significantly developed amateur theater. It operated under the auspices of Cultural and Educational Society «Prosvita», which was considered the most massive and most prestigious public institution and its activities were aimed to spread among the local population education and culture, spiritual formation, national identity and patriotism. Art life in outlying villages of Ternopil developed quite lively. This was due to the fact that many residents of suburban villages getting education in schools or working in Ternopil city had more opportunities to attend performances there. An orgаnizing of amateur drama was performed by students of gymnasiums and universities, school teachers, priests, or villagers. Active cultural and educational life existed in the first third of the twentieth century in Bila village, which is located on the northwestern outskirts of Ternopil and in early twentieth century was at a distance of 4 km from the city. The founder and leader of «Prosvita» in Bila was Ambrose Krushelnytskyi – priest of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, who moved with his family to the village of Bila in 1878. In 1884 he founded the reading room «Prosvita» in the village, donated many books, organized choir in reading, kept them at the beginning at their own expense. Beside Ambrose Krushelnytsky another 23 villagers were the founders of the reading room. After the death of Krushelnytsky, the priest Bartosz became his successor. He engaged reading room and due to his efforts there were cultural events, including theater performances. In the first decade of the twentieth century 25 residents of Bila attended school in Ternopil, 7 of them were taught in a gymnasium. The level of education of the local people gave a great opportunity to organize cultural events, including organizing various concerts and theatre performances. In 1905, 1906 and 1907 the reading room was led by pastor Volodymyr Kolyankovskyy, who also organized cultural and artistic events, but not as actively as its predecessors. Nevertheless the performances gathered quite a few viewers. Performances were held in the barn of a local resident Vasyl Brynyak. The participants of the workshop were mostly young people, the number of which was 25: 10 boys, 10 girls and 5 middle-aged men. The drama workshop possessed 3 books with dramas scenarios, den with wigs and theatrical costumes in which actors often played in performances. Cultural and artistic life of Bila residents in «Prosvita» was interrupted by the events of World War I. In August 1914, Ternopil and neighboring village were occupied by the Russian army. Since the early days of the Russian occupation banned public organizations, associations and clubs were banned. During the hard times of war amateur dramatic group of Bila village paused its activities: many men and boys were mobilized to the army. In March 1924 Bila village reading room was reopened. Performances started in 1927. A head of the workshop during the 20–30 years of the twentieth century were Courant Petro, Kapravyy Ivan, Polishchuk Pavlo, Brynyak Grygoriy. A directing work was performed by Vavriv Ivan – Ternopil school graduate. Thanks to him scenery appeared - painted landscapes on canvas and even a miniature house that was used during the game in theatre performances. In addition drama workshop participants possessed dummy weapons – spears, swords, pistols, carbines and other details that give the actors and the audience a better perception of the performance. Actors used handmade theatrical costumes. During this period, they gave many performances. Since 1927, members of the «Prosvita», including drama workshop participants actively began raising money to build a house for «Prosvita». During the construction of the house drama workshop reading performances took place outdoors in good weather. Often villagers offered the actors to play performances in their unfinished houses in the well-to-fire barn and rural school if headmaster Raba permitted. Many performances were held in houses of nationally-conscious villagers. In 1936, construction of a new reading room «Prosvita» was completed. All national conscious people of the village began preparations for the consecration of the building and the celebration of this event. With the advent of Soviet rule in Galicia in September 1939, total ban of cultural and educational societies «Prosvita», «Mother School», «Falcon» and others began. A new government banned activities of Bila village reading room. Premises of folk house in Bila village were turned to the warehouse stocking products, while destroying everything with the educational property – books, scenery, theatrical paraphernalia. Activities of Bila amateur dramatic group played a major role in the functioning of the branch «Prosvita» in the village. Local fans have made a significant contribution to the development of culture, education and the arts among rural communities.uk_UA
dc.publisherТНПУ ім. В. Гнатюкаuk_UA
dc.subjectаматорський театральний гуртокuk_UA
dc.subjectтовариство "Просвіта"uk_UA
dc.subjectтеатральне мистецтвоuk_UA
dc.subjectлюбительский театральный кружокuk_UA
dc.subjectобщество «Просвита»uk_UA
dc.subjectтеатральное искусствоuk_UA
dc.subjectamateur dramatic groupuk_UA
dc.subjectsociety of «Prosvita»uk_UA
dc.subjecttheatrical artuk_UA
dc.titleТеатральна діяльність осередку товариства «Просвіта» села Біла Тернопільського повіту у першій третині ХХ століттяuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeТеатральная деятельность ячейки общества «Просвита» села Била Тернопольского уезда в первой трети ХХ векаuk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету ім. В. Гнатюка. Сер. Мистецтвознавство. 2014. № 2

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