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Title: Mobile Technologies in Education
Authors: Zablotska, L.
Chernii, L.
Meleshchenko, V.
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Zablotska L., Chernii L., Meleshchenko V. Mobile Technologies in Education // Intellectual Archieve. Toronto : Shiny World Corp, 2021. Vol. 10. No. 4. October - December. P. 84-89
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Shiny World Corp
Keywords: information technologies
mobile education
Abstract: The informatization of education is one of the priori ties on the path to open education and is an indicator of the development of modern society. The use of information tools in education, including mobile technologies, creates conditions for the implementation of the educational process and ensures its continuity by integrating traditional and distance learning, which is especially relevant today, in quarantine times, when many educational і nstituti ons usedi stance or bl ended (combi ned) form of educati on. The a m of the artid e і s to understand the noti on of mobile education and its influence on current development of education processes in higher educational і ndttutionsin Ukrane
Description: DOI : 10.32370/IA_2021_12_12
ISSN: 1929-4700
Appears in Collections:Статті

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