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Название: Design a progressive web application to support student learning
Авторы: Leshchuk, S. O.
Ramskyi, Y. S.
Kotyk, A. V.
Kutsiy, S. V.
Библиографическое описание: Leshchuk S. O., Ramskyi Y. S., Kotyk A. V., Kutsiy S. V. Design a progressive web application to support student learning // CS&SE@SW 2021: 4th Workshop for Young Scientists in Computer Science & Software Engineering, December 18, 2021, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine. Kryvyi Rih, 2022. Vol. 3077. P. 83-96
Дата публикации: 18-дек-2021
Ключевые слова: progressive web application
future computer science teacher
information portal
organization of educational activities
Краткий осмотр (реферат): The role of progressive web applications in students’ educational activities is researched in the work. Authors compare them with applied and hybrid programs; determine the features of PWA technology as well as analyze the architecture of progressive web applications. The study aim is to develop and implement the progressive web application that is an information portal of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University using PWA technology. To achieve this goal, the following required resources for the’ training organization of student’s activities have been selected. They are the schedule of the educational process, lessons schedule, schedule of modular and final controls, information on practice, schedule of final exams, regulatory and methodological software. On the first stages of work a website template was created in addition to information gathering. The next stages of practical implementation were aimed at the development of logic and implementation of PWA technology, namely defining the interface, adding a worker, creating auxiliary functions. The final stage of the study is the project deployment. The results obtained by the author can be used in the process of higher specialists training in educational institutions. The web application itself is practical for organizing students’ educational activities.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://dspace.tnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/25173
Располагается в коллекциях:Тези конференцій

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