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dc.contributor.authorRudenskyi, Rostyslav-
dc.contributor.authorHladun, Lesia-
dc.contributor.authorRatushniak, Nataliia-
dc.identifier.citationRudenskyi R., Hladun L., Ratushniak N. Evolution of the european board games for preschool children // Review of Theology, Social Sciences and Sacred Art. Dublin : International Scientific Board of Catholic Researchers and Teachers in Ireland, 2023. № 2. P. 39-47uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article states that board games are one of the effective means of preschool children’s personality formation, which makes it appropriate to organize board games in preschools. It is noted that the European experience of theoretical research and practical use of board games for children is wider and longer than the Ukrainian one. In this regard, the purpose of the study was identified: to determine and substantiate the structure of board games for preschool children using a comprehensive analysis of the European context in historical retrospect. A complex analytical method (retrospective, bibliographic, structural, definitive, natural analysis of game sets, analysis of works of art), generalization and synthetic-structural method were used for the research. The scientific novelty is summarized the following chronological sequence of the evolution of board games for preschool and primary school children: 1) gambling games for adults; 2) gambling board games for adults; 3) gambling board games made of paper for adults; 4) gambling board card games for adults; 5) board games for family leisure; 6) leisure board games for children; 7) board games for children with educational potential; 8) educational board games for preschool children. The meaning of the ‘board game structure’ concept is synthesized and characterized; it is mandatory, free and sufficient matter, the elements of which are stable (unchanged) regardless of the material (raw material), conditions and time of manufacture and constitute a complete game system. Conclusions. The structural components of board games are identified as content (plot — fictional or from real life), rules (functions, norms, the ethos of the game, game culture), conditional graphic plan (colour scheme, composition type, illustrations, symbols, pictograms, composition of the game field, the level of convention in graphic design) and equipment (material of production, game components, their quantity, weight, dimensions, packaging, organizer, accessories). Indicated, that the identified structural components of board games are common and stable throughout all stages of evolution. Prospects for further research in the scientific substantiation of the classification of board games, their educational and developmental potential for preschool children are determined.uk_UA
dc.publisherInternational Scientific Board of Catholic Researchers and Teachers in Irelanduk_UA
dc.subjectboard gameuk_UA
dc.subjectdidactic gameuk_UA
dc.subjectpreschool childrenuk_UA
dc.subjectcognitive activityuk_UA
dc.subjectboard game structureuk_UA
dc.subjectEuropean board gameuk_UA
dc.subjecthistory of board gameuk_UA
dc.titleEvolution of the european board games for preschool childrenuk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті

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