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Название: Історичні постаті в сценічній інтерпретації В’ячеслава Хім’яка
Другие названия: Исторические личности в сценической интерпретации Вячеслава Химяка
Авторы: Смоляк, Павло Олегович
Библиографическое описание: Смоляк П. Історичні постаті в сценічній інтерпретації В’ячеслава Хім’яка // Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету імені В. Гнатюка. Сер. Мистецтвознавство. Тернопіль : ТНПУ, 2019. Вип. 1(40). С. 177–189
Дата публикации: 2019
Издательство: Тернопільський національний педагогічний університет імені Володимира Гнатюка
Ключевые слова: актор
головна роль
історична постать
сценічний образ
главная роль
историческая личность
сценический образ
main role
historical figure
scenic image
Серия/номер: Мистецтвознавство;
Краткий осмотр (реферат): У статті охарактеризовано ролі Остапа Бульби, Ібрагіма-паші, Данила Галицького, Северина Наливайка, Івана Сірка, Івана Мазепи, які зіграв В’ячеслав Хім’як у виставах історичної тематики на сцені Тернопільського академічного обласного українського драматичного театру імені Т. Г. Шевченка, проаналізовано значення історичних постатей у сценічній інтерпретації актора, висвітлено вплив цих вистав на збагачення ерудиції та естетичне враження глядача.
В статье охарактеризованы роли Остапа Бульбы, Ибрагима-паши, Даниила Галицкого, Северина Наливайко, Ивана Сирко, Ивана Мазепы, которые сыграл Вячеслав Химяк на сцене Тернопольского академического областного украинского драматического театра имени Т. Г. Шевченко в спектаклях исторической тематики, проанализировано значение исторических личностей в сценической интерпретации актера, освещено влияние этих спектаклей на обогащение эрудиции и эстетическое впечатление зрителя.
Among the representatives of the T. Shevchenko Ternopil Regional Academic Ukrainian Drama Theater, occupies an important place Vyacheslav Khimyak, an actor of the theater and cinema, People’s Artist of Ukraine, laureate of all-Ukrainian and regional awards in the field of culture and art. During his work in the Ternopil Drama Theater, Vyacheslav Khimyak played many versatile performances, creating more than a hundred images. It was interesting and extraordinary that the actor played the role of historical heroes, who are known in their history of the Ukrainian nation by their state-political and military achievements. Bright and talented Vyacheslav Khimyak played the role of Ibrahim pasha in the performance “Roksolana”, which took place in 1985 on the stage of the Ternopil drama theater. Vyacheslav Khimyak, performing the role of Ibrahim, tried to show cynicism, insidiousness to a new captive Roksolana in the Suleiman harem. During the performance, it is noticeable how Ibrahim-Khimyak tries to serve his master, in order not to fall into his disgust. In the play, the actor depicts Ibrahim as a good friend and at the same time, a true servant of Suleiman. In the performance “Roksolana” Vyacheslav Khimyak declared himself as a self-sufficient actor, able to approach as closely as possible in his game to the historical realities that were characteristic of this time. In 1987 at the T. Shevchenko Ternopil Drama Theater, took place the premiere of the performance “Danylo Halitskyi”. In the performance Vyacheslav Khimyak created the stage image of King Danylo Halytskyi. Actor his game showed the history of King Danylo, taking into account all the complexities and contradictions of his character, showed his formation as a man and a politician. On the stage, V. Khimyak portrays Danylo Halytskyi as a politician, as a diplomat, who seeks to regain independence for his people, establish peace in Rus. The embodiment of Vyacheslav Khimyak in the image of Danylo Halytskyi convincingly proved the ability of the actor to reproduce the best features of the commander of the early Middle Ages and made this role memorable for many spectators. In 1990, on the stage of the Ternopil Drama Theater, a performance of “Nalyvayko” was performed. The role of Severyn Nalyvaiko was performed by Vyacheslav Khimyak. The actor recreated the stage image of Severyn Nalyvaiko as a true spokesman for the masses, the leader of the uprising against Polish enslavement. The performer of the role represents Nalyvayko to the viewer, as a knight of honor and nobility, a volitional man whose heart is open to great victories. The role of Nalyvayko clearly belongs to iconic in creative activity of Vyacheslav Himyak. In 1991, in the T. Shevchenko Ternopil Drama Theater, with great success took place the premiere of the performance “Hetman Doroshenko”. In the spectacle, Vyacheslav Khimyak reproduced image of the Zaporizhzhya Sich Cossack chieftain Ivan Sirko. The actor depicted the hero as one of the most legendary and heroic historical figures of the Cossack era. Ivan Sirko was the brightest person after the death of Bogdan Khmelnytskyi. Ivan Sirko was respected not only by Cossacks and Registered Cossacks, but also by enemies. His authority was the same as in Hetman Petro Doroshenko. The performance of the play remained in the memory of the audience as an unusual and original interpretation of the images of the historical characters, and, in general, the actor’s remarkable talent was an expression among them. In March 1992, the premiere of the performance “Ivan Sirko” took place. This performance made it possible for Vyacheslav Khimyak to fully reveal his talent in the lead role of Ivan Sirko. The main role performer was able to convey to the spectator freedom-loving aspirations of the ataman and direct them in the national and patriotic direction. Ivan Sirko performed by V. Khimyak – one of the most colorful figures in the play – a fighter for the freedom of Ukraine. Vyacheslav Khimyak, as the performer of the role of Sirko, emphasized the disclosure of the inner state of the hero and showed him not only as a conductor of the Zaporizhzhia Cossacks, but as a man full of spiritual torment and suffering caused by his activity. This role, undoubtedly, can be attributed to the stages in the work of the actor. The most distinct and most notable Vyacheslav Khimyak, as an actor, has shown himself as Hetman Ivan Mazepa in the same performance. It was in this performance that he managed to translate into his image in full. The explanation is that in acquiring the previous roles of historical characters, the actor has accumulated significant stage experience and showed his hero in all its greatness, as the famous Hetman of the Zaporizhzhia Sich, a state-builder and founder of an independent Ukrainian state. Premiere of the performance “Mazepa. Confession to People and Time” took place at the end of 2010. Vyacheslav Khimyak, in the image of Ivan Mazepa, posed before the spectator a brave and determined leader who seeks to tear Ukraine out of Moscow’s enslavement. Despite the courage and heroism, the Hetman is portrayed as a loving son who is in conversation with his mother. The image of Ivan Mazepa Vyacheslav Khimyak reveals the means of monologic communication with the viewer. The reflections of Hetman alone with their own conscience testify to the constant struggle that continues in its inner world. Thus, the acting talent of Vyacheslav Khimyak in the context of the creative activity of the T. Shevchenko Ternopil Regional Academic Ukrainian Drama Theater can hardly be overestimated. The roles played by him by historical figures tend to encourage the viewer to interpret them in depth, based on the historical realities in which they were.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://dspace.tnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/13175
ISSN: 2411-3271
Располагается в коллекциях:Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету ім. В. Гнатюка. Сер. Мистецтвознавство. 2019. № 1

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