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Title: Формування рефлексивних умінь молодших школярів у навчальній діяльності
Other Titles: Формирование рефлексивных умений младших школьников в учебной деятельности
Formation of younger schoolchildren’s reflexive skills in educational activities
Authors: Легін, Вікторія Борисівна
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Легін, В. Б. Формування рефлексивних умінь молодших школярів у навчальній діяльності: автореф. дис. на здоб. наук. ступ. канд. пед. наук : 13.00.09 - теорія навчання / Легін Вікторія Борисівна ; Тернопільський нац. пед. ун-т ім. В. Гнатюка. – Тернопіль, 2016. – 19 с.
Issue Date: 16-Feb-2016
Publisher: Тернопільський національний педагогічний університет імені Володимира Гнатюка
Keywords: процес навчання
навчальна діяльність
молодші школярі
рефлексивні вміння
суб’єктність молодшого школяра в навчальній діяльності
Abstract: У дисертації розкрито теоретичні основи навчальної діяльності як провідної в молодшому шкільному віці. Висвітлено різні підходи до трактування сутності поняття «рефлексія»; представлено класифікацію видів рефлексії. Сформульовано авторське тлумачення термінів «рефлексія навчальної діяльності» та «рефлексивні вміння молодших школярів у навчальній діяльності». Охарактеризовано провідні рефлексивні вміння молодших школярів: самоаналіз, самоконтроль, самооцінка, самокорекція. Визначено дидактичні умови формування рефлексивних умінь молодших школярів у навчальній діяльності та змодельовано методику їх реалізації в навчальному процесі школи першого ступеня. Ефективність дидактичних умов перевірена експериментально.
В диссертации раскрыты теоретические основы учебной деятельности как ведущей в младшем школьном возрасте. Освещены различные подходы к трактовке сущности понятия «рефлексия»; представлена классификация видов рефлексии. Сформулировано авторское толкование терминов «рефлексия учебной деятельности» и «рефлексивные умения младших школьников в учебной деятельности». Охарактеризованы ведущие рефлексивные умения младших школьников: самоанализ, самоконтроль, самооценка, самокоррекция. Определены дидактические условия формирования рефлексивных умений младших школьников в учебной деятельности и смоделирована методика их реализации в учебном процессе школы первой ступени. Эффективность дидактических условий проверена экспериментально.
The dissertation deals with theoretical bases of educational activity as a leading one at younger school age (essence, structure, developing potential). Different scientific approaches to the interpretation of the concept of «reflexion» have been revealed: in philosophy – as a process of thinking (cognition); in psychology – as a result of comprehending one’s own activity, as a fundamental mechanism of self-knowledge and self-understanding; in pedagogy – as the individual’s ability to analyze their own and other people’s actions and deeds (if necessary – to correct them), as teacher’s pedagogical activity and pupil’s educational activity. Different types of reflexion in primary school children’s educational activity have been presented: by the aim – reflexion of the mood and emotional state, activitiy, content of educational material; by the function – personal (physical, sensory, individual) and individual (spiritual); by the form of activity – collective, group, front, individual; by the content – oral and written. Author’s interpretation of the concept of «reflexion of educational activity» has been formulated (it is interpreted as pupil’s ability to comprehend and recomprehend their own as well as their classmates’ educational actions, that manifested in the abilities to analyze, control, evaluate and correct the content, process and result of the activity, providing pupil’s subjectivity in learning) and «younger schoolchildren’s reflexive skills in educational activity» (general and learning skills formed on the intersubject basis, covering the content and procedural components, and revealed in the ability to analyze the content, process and result of the activity; to use different methods of self-control of educational actions, to show the readiness to mutual control; to evaluate their own activitiy and participate in the evaluation of the contemporaries’ educational work; to predict the result and use different methods of error correction). The basic younger schoolchildren’s reflexive skills in educational activity have been determined to be the following: self-analysis, self-control, self-appraisal and self-correction. Self-analysis helps the pupil to comprehend his actions in terms of their accordance with the plan and conditions of the activity, makes it possible to analyze his own activity in the classroom, identify its strengths and weaknesses on the basis of comparing what was worked with what was planned to do (one of the starting mechanisms of reflexion). Self-control is manifested in the ability to monitor one’s own actions and correlate them with certain requirements and regulations; enables pupils to regulate their own educational activity. Self-appraisal as evaluating one’s own and contemporaries’ success are based on the evaluation, aimed at appraising the results of educational activity (they include analysis of the activity, comparing the received result with the set requirements). Pupil’s self-correction of his educational activity helps him in case of a bad quality eccomplishment of the tasks on setting mini-goals which concern its maximum approach to the final result, set at the beginning. The didactic conditions of formation of younger schoolchildren’s reflexive skills in educational activity have been determined, namely: providing the gradual formation of the mentioned skills according to the principal types of reflexion of younger schoolchildren’s educational activity; using intersubject tasks and exercises based on the content, motivational and procedural components of educational activity; stimulating pupils to reflexive activity in the process of subject-subject interaction between teacher and pupils. Taking into consideration the determined didactic conditions, the methods of their implementation in educational process of the first degree school, which are presented in the model, have been developed. Experimental methods covered three stages – preparatory, teaching and training, basic each of which provided solving the specific tasks. The aim of the preparatory stage was to motivate pupils to reflexive activity, to teach them to analyze the results by using reflexion of the mood and emotional state (the work was carried out collectively under teacher’s supervising and demonstrating their own pattern of reflexive activity). The aim of the teaching and training stage was to form self-control and self-apraisal skills through reflexion of the activity involving work in pairs, groups etc. on the basis of the analysis of learning. At the main stage the teachers of experimental classes encouraged pupils to use self-analysis, self-control and self-appraisal as well as formed the abilities of self-correction using the reflexion of educational material content. The main means of formation of reflective abilities at each stage were educational tasks of intersubject orientation (didactic games, educational projects, tests, method of uncompleted sentences, interactive exercises, portfolio etc.) and questions and exercises on different types of reflection. The effectiveness of didactic conditions of forming younger schoolchildren’s reflexive skills in educational activity has been tested experimentally.
Description: Захист відбувся 18 березня 2016 р. о 13.00 годині на засіданні спеціалізованої вченої ради Д 58.053.01 у Тернопільському національному педагогічному університеті імені Володимира Гнатюка (зала засідань, вул. М. Кривоноса, 2, м. Тернопіль, 46027). З дисертацією можна ознайомитись на сайті та в науковій бібліотеці Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Гнатюка за адресою: вул. М. Кривоноса, 2, м. Тернопіль, 46027.
Appears in Collections:13.00.09 - Теорія навчання

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