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Назва: Особливості становлення і розвитку комунікативного дизайну в Галичині другої половини ХІХ – першої третини ХХ століть
Інші назви: Особенности становления и развития коммуникативного дизайна в Галичине второй половины XIX – первой трети ХХ веков
Автори: Борисенко, Ольга
Бібліографічний опис: Борисенко О. Особливості становлення і розвитку комунікативного дизайну в Галичині другої половини ХІХ – першої третини ХХ століть / Ольга Борисенко // Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Гнатюка. Сер. Сер. Мистецтвознавство. – Тернопіль : ТНПУ ім. В. Гнатюка, 2018. - Вип. 1(38). - С.- 278–285.- Бібліогр. в кінці ст.
Дата публікації: 2018
Видавництво: Тернопільський національний педагогічний університет імені Володимира Гнатюка
Ключові слова: комунікативний дизайн
виставково-експозиційна діяльність
фірмовий бренд
візуально-графічна мова
коммуникативный дизайн
выставочно-экспозиционная деятельность
фирменный бренд
визуально-графический язык
communicative design
exhibition-expositional activity
firm brand
visual-graphic language
Серія/номер: Мистецтвознавство;
Короткий огляд (реферат): У статті висвітлено особливості розвитку комунікативного дизайну на теренах Галичини другої половини ХІХ – першої третини ХХ століть. Визначено передумови формування проектно-художньої діяльності, в межах якої було закладено основи комунікативного дизайну Галичини. Проаналізовано явище комунікативного дизайну Галичини, продуктом якого були виставкові експозиції, фотографіка, фірмові бренди, рекламно-поліграфічна продукція та друковані видання.
В статье освещены особенности развития коммуникативного дизайна на территории Галичины второй половины XIX – первой трети ХХ веков. Определены предпосылки формирования проектно-художественной деятельности, в рамках которой закладывались основы коммуникативного дизайна Галичины. Проанализировано явление коммуникативного дизайна Галичины, продуктом которого были выставочные экспозиции, фотографика, фирменные бренды, рекламно-полиграфическая продукция и печатные издания.
The communicative design includes a considerable part of the functional sphere of design, where the objects, designated mainly for communication of the visual-textual message are projected. The formation and development of the communicative design of Galicia of the second half of the ХІХ – the first third of the ХХ с. defines the ways and methods of communicating the visual information in the framework of the object and space environment. The visual forms of messages in the shape of exhibits, photos, brands, advertising polygraphic production, periodical press and book products create the informative, advertising and corporate spheres of the communicative design of Galicia of the second half of the ХІХ – the first third of the ХХ с. The task of the informative sphere of the communicative design is forming the exhibits for presentation of production on industrial exhibitions, supplying the content information about the events and showpieces by means of fliers, price marks, postcards, posters, announcements, as well as the outer advertisement objects (banners, signboards, expositional cases, light advertisements, billboards on the walls). The miniatures of the production packing were presented on the exhibitions – their visual-graphic form is considered as a sign system. At the end of the ХІХ century photography became a rightful means of objects visualization. They not only contained the visual information about things or objects, but also created their artistic image. By using the method of collage – the combination of a photo image, picture and textual message, artists created postcards, posters, placards, theatrical programs, advertising announcements, designed shop windows and signboards. A considerable contribution in the communicative design of the advertisement sphere was made by Roman Shukhevych, the head of the advertisement firm “Fama” in Lviv (1937), which produced the first analogues of city-lights, advertising booklets, firm advertisements, signboards and billboards, design of shop windows, advertising and expositional production for exhibitions and fairs, placards for solemn events in Lviv, Stanislaviv, Ternopil, Stryi. The effective and most popular means of communication in design is periodical press, which was published in Galicia on a big scale. Only in Lviv in 1898–1914 there were published more than 450 newspapers and magazines in Polish, Ukrainian, Russian, German and Yiddish languages. The first newspaper in Ukrainian language “Zoria Halytska” (1848–1857) was also published in Lviv in the only Ukrainian printing house of the Stavropigian institute. The corporate sphere of the communicative design creates the image of goods or company by means of the brand projecting. The architectural and construction firm of Ivan Levynskyi became a prominent example of creating a brand of company in Galicia. The projects of buildings by I. Levynskyi were distinguished by the fully integrated solution of the architectural environment objects. The artists also dealt with the interiors design, stained-glass windows, frescoes, ceramic tiles, etc. The folk motives and ornaments prevailed in these elements, which created the folk style that identified the expressive brand of I. Levynskyi’s firm not only in Galicia, but also outside its borders. A bright example of the good’s branding in the corporate sphere of communicative design became the image of production of J. A. Baczewski’s factory. The advertisements in press, outer advertisement, posters and postcards with the logo and picture of the production, firm packing and exhibits popularized the brand throughout whole Europe. It is worth mentioning the names of the outstanding artists who dealt with the design of books and magazines publications, creation of illustrations, posters and placards. Among them were Maryan Olshevskyi, Stanislav Dembickiy, Kayetan Stefanovich, Tadeush Gronovskyi, Petro Kholodnyi, Volodymyr Lasovskyi, Robert Lisovskyi, Vasyl Krychevskyi, Pavlo Kovzhun, Volodymyr Sichynskyi, Stanislav Hordynskyi and others. The development of the communicative design in Galicia in the second half of the ХІХ – the first third of the ХХ с. is inextricably linked with the activities of artists, project and artistic activities of whom are aimed at creating a visual communicative message in the shape of a material carrier. The product of the communicative design is a form of giving a message through the material carriers, that is why the project and artistic activities in the sphere of information visualization and visual communication in Galicia in the second half of the ХІХ – the first third of the ХХ с. included such components as: the design of polygraphic production, advertisement and book graphics, creation of posters, theatrical and cinema placards, elements of the outer advertisement and packing. The visual and graphical language of the communicative design elements reflected the stylistic characteristics of its period which corresponded to the architectural and artistic style of the objective and spatial environment.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://dspace.tnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/9922
ISSN: 2411-3271
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету ім. В. Гнатюка. Сер. Мистецтвознавство. 2018. № 1

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